
Opening Day: Wyoming Rifle Elk Hunting

Opening Day; marks the commencement of Rifle Elk Hunting on our private ranch lease—a tradition we eagerly look forward to every year at SNS Outfitter! For over 35 years, SNS has proudly held the hunting lease on this expansive cattle ranch. During our tenure, we have witnessed the resident elk herds stabilize and thrive, making this hunt a Wyoming icon. As we gear up for another epic Opening Day, the excitement is palpable.

This hunt is conducted via horseback, over miles of evergreen peaks & sagebrush covered ground. As our clients arrive at camp on the eve of the hunt, they are warmly welcomed by the camp manager, wrangler, cook, and our team of experienced hunting guides. The corrals are filled with trail-worthy horses. The evening is a blend of settling in, zeroing rifles, a hearty supper, safety talks, and an early bedtime, setting the stage for the adventures that await.

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