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In Memory of longtime guide Phil Marton

In Memory of longtime guide Phil Marton

The SNS family recently lost one of our own. On January 15, 2024, Phil Marton one of our longtime guides, sportsman, predator hunter, rancher and friend passed away after a long battle with esophageal cancer.

Over the past 30 plus years many of our SNS clients hunted antelope on the Marton ranch. Phil guided many of our hunters for antelope, mule deer and elk. The last years of his guiding career he focused on hunting Montana mule deer.

Phil was an accomplished predator hunter who honed his coyote hunting skills protecting the ranches sheep herd. This skill came in handy when Phil and several SNS guides went hunting in the Northwest Territories. The caribou hunting was difficult as their numbers were so low. Phil turned his attention to the ultimate predator hunt, wolves. After a very long day of pursuing a wolf pack for miles on foot, using his calling skills Phil killed the ultimate trophy, a beautiful white wolf.

One of Phil’s most treasured trophies was a very large Alberta whitetail deer.

After several trips to Alberta hunting big whitetail’s, he finally took his dream buck. You could tell by the smile on his face, the effort was worth it. Big buck fever had gotten to Phil.

Phil Marton Memorial Blog

The SNS staff all have many memories including how much fun it was to have Phil in camp.

Many of our hunters met Phil while hunting on the Marton Ranch especially on the nights the cook served fried chicken and potato salad, one of his favorites. Phil left way to early, but he led a quality, active life and was always making friends along the way.

Please take a few minutes and click here to read the obituary written by Phil’s family.

The obituary is a wonderful recap and tribute to Phil and the life that he led. Phil has had his last elk hunt; he is going to be missed but not forgotten by his SNS family and his many friends and family.

Trophy Black Bear Hunts
Mule Deer or Whitetail: take your pick!

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