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Combination Hunts for Mule Deer & Antelope


For years, the most popular hunt in Wyoming was a mule deer and antelope combo hunt. This combination hunt was a staple for most Wyoming Outfitters.

Wyoming mule deer populations continue to decline every year which is really making this combination hunt hard to find and even more difficult to get booked. Although SNS Outfitter still has some quality mule deer on the ranches we hunt, their numbers are low. Therefore we have decreased the number of clients we take each year in order to maintain a quality hunt.

If a mule deer and antelope combination hunt is your priority, then you must be prepared to book your hunt at least 2 or 3 years out.

SNS Outfitters does offer these hunts, but it must be booked well in advance due to the limited number of these hunts we offer. As these hunts become even more limited you can expect the price to increase, and you will be required to have Wyoming preference points so you can be assured of a draw. We recommend you become familiar with how Wyoming preference points work. To learn more please watch our video on Mastering Wyoming Preference Points.

Another option to consider when looking for a multiple animal hunt is to add a cow elk to another species.Cow elk hunts have become increasingly popular and because of our exploding elk populations licenses are readily available. You can add a cow elk to an antelope hunt, mule deer hunt or even your bull elk hunt with SNS. Wyoming allows non-residents to have 2 cow elk licenses so you could even take two cows on a single hunt.

There is such excitement on these combination hunts, knowing that when one species is down, you still have half of your hunt left to go. Long range planning is key to being able to do that dream mule deer and antelope combination hunt. Please call our office or email Sy for more information.1-307-266-4229|sns@huntwyo.com

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