Mule Deer Hunts: A Range of Opportunity

Here at SNS Outfitter and Guides in Wyoming, we offer a wide range of mule deer hunts. In fact, we offer more mule deer hunting opportunity than any other outfitter in Wyoming, not to mention our hunts in Montana and two-state deer hunts. No matter your physical ability, trophy goals, mule deer or whitetail, Wyoming or Montana, public land or private, we have a mule deer hunt for you.
If you’ve seen a copy of our brochure, you know that we offer nine different deer hunts. These range from ranch hunts by truck, to high country horseback hunts, to late season rut hunts in Montana.
Our ranch hunts take place on properties with excellent mule deer habitat, ranging from 62,000 to well over 100,000 acres in size. We have carefully managed these properties (some for more than 25 years) with a conservative mule deer harvest. As a result, mule deer numbers and the quality of bucks is excellent. Many of our ranch hunts can be conducted with 4-wheel drive vehicles, as road access is plentiful. In these cases, we will drive to the hunting area before daylight and then hunt the area on foot (see hunt numbers 2, 5 and 10). However, some ranch hunts do not allow vehicles. On these properties, we conduct the hunts on horseback (see hunt number 3).
In addition to the ranch hunts, we also offer trophy mule deer hunts in the Grays River region of Wyoming (see hunts number 7 and 8). The Grays River is known as Wyoming’s hotbed for big mule deer bucks. These hunts require preference points to draw, but the wait is certainly worth it. This area produces more trophy mule deer than anywhere else in Wyoming. Our Grays River hunts are done on horseback in order to access the steep, high-altitude terrain where these big deer live.

Finally, we offer mule deer hunts in Montana, as well as a two-state hunt in both Wyoming and Montana (see hunt numbers 6 and 11 respectively). These are fantastic opportunities to hunt during the rut in November. The Montana portion of the hunt takes place on a 42,000 acre ranch near miles city that features outstanding mule deer habitat. The Wyoming portion of the hunt takes place on a 10,000 acre ranch that produces some great whitetail bucks. This two-state, two-species hunt is an experience that has no rival.
Here at SNS Outfitter & Guides, we take great pride in these mule deer hunting (and whitetail hunting) opportunities. We manage them carefully, and we aim to offer the best guided mule deer hunting experience in the country. For more information on our mule deer hunts, feel free to call us anytime at 307-266-4229. You can also request a free brochure on our website or check out our mule deer hunting page.