2015 Season Update

The 2015 season has been another great one here at SNS Outfitter and Guides in Wyoming. We just wrapped up our final hunts of the year and this one is in the books!

A huge thanks goes out to all of our hunters! We’re here because of you and it was a pleasure getting to hunt with each of you this season. To clients old and new, we hope to see you back here in Wyoming again soon! Hunting with great people is what makes our job so specia[...]

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Wyoming’s Overnight Canyon

We’ve received a great deal of questions recently about a giant crack in the earth that recently appeared on a ranch where we operate in the southern foothills of the Bighorn Mountains. Thinking it was interesting, but not knowing that it would get so much attention, we posted a photo on our Facebook page. After being shared more than 7,000 times, we started receiving a flood of questions and co[...]

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Hunting Season Update from Wyoming

The 2015 fall season is rolling along here at SNS Outfitter & Guides and we’re having a great time! It’s a busy time of year but we wanted to take a moment and provide a Hunt Report on the 2015 Wyoming season thus far.

The weather has continued to be warm through early October with some rain but no significant snowstorms (yet!). After lots of moisture this spring and early summer, things are still relatively green for this late [...]

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Hunting Camp Tour: Box Y Lodge

Here at SNS Outfitter and Guides, we are proud of the variety of hunting opportunities that we are able to offer and the quality of our hunting camp locations around Wyoming. One of those is the Box Y Lodge, located in the Greys River area of western Wyoming.

The Box Y is in fact the only lodge along the Greys River. From this camp, we are able to offer trophy mule deer hunts, elk hunts and spring and fall black bear hunts. With comfort[...]

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The Season Begins…

The archery antelope season is off to a great start here in Wyoming! The weather has been warm and things seemed to have begun drying out just in time. Our archery hunters have begun seeing some good activity at water-hole ground blinds.

Until most of our antelope hunts kick off in October, we love getting out there and chasing these cagey animals with archery equipment. Here are a few recent photos from the 2015 Wyoming archery antelop[...]

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SNS Guide Completes a Dream Hunt

One of our longtime hunting guides here at SNS Outfitter & Guides, Justin Leinonen, recently had the opportunity to hunt bighorn sheep in Wyoming and was able to take an excellent ram on September 1st.

It took Justin close to 20 years to draw this coveted Wyoming bighorn tag. But it was certainly worth the wait as he was able to take this im[...]

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2015 Wyoming Hunting Season is Open

We are excited to have officially kicked off our 2015 Wyoming hunting season! It began with our archery antelope hunters this week. The weather has been pretty warm to start the season, but we’re seeing good numbers of antelope bucks and the herds appear to be in excellent shape thanks to record spring precipitation.

As our [...]

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Selecting the Right Boots for Your Wyoming Hunt

Having the right gear can make or break your Wyoming hunt, and this is especially true of your boots. Boots could possibly be your most important investment after your firearm or bow. You will wear them every day in the field, and they must perform well. If you are cold, wet, or get blisters on your feet, it’s not going to be a fun experience. You may not be able to spend the necessary time in the field, and you may not be able to hike to th[...]

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Wyoming Preference Points Now Available

From now through September 30th, Wyoming’s preference point application period for nonresident hunters is now open. If you are thinking about hunting in Wyoming in 2016, this is a very important reminder! This is your chance to pick up a Wyoming Preference Point before next year’s big game drawings.

Here at SNS Outfitter & Guides, licenses for many of our hunts can be drawn with[...]

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Summer Update From SNS Outfitter & Guides

Clients often ask what we do during the summer months here at SNS Outfitter & Guides in Wyoming. As you can imagine, it’s a busy time of year for us. Hunting seasons are only a couple of months away and there’s a lot to do before our fall guests begin arriving.

With camps in several parts of the state, we spend a lot of ti[...]

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