Experience the Solar Eclipse on a Horseback Adventure

Summer in Wyoming has been beautiful and we’re enjoying a great season of horseback riding at our Jackson Hole Outfitters camp. The wildflowers are awesome, the weather has been warm, and the fishing on the Greys River is getting hot. But the event of the summer is coming up in August! 

This August, Wyoming will be in the direct path of a solar eclipse, and we’re offering a special, 3-night solar eclipse adventure package at th[...]

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Last Chance to Book a 2018 Hunt at the 2017 Price

On August 15th, new pricing for our 2018 hunts will go into effect. So if you’re thinking of booking a hunt for next year, this is your chance to lock in your spot at the current rate! But you must book before August 15th. 

Our 2018 season still has plenty of openings. Our Wyoming antelope hunts, spring and fall black bear hunts, the Wyoming and Montana mule deer hunts, and our Wyoming elk hunts have some great spots still availa[...]

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Wyoming Wolves Back Under State Management

P.C.: SNS Guide Jim Bernardin.

In a decision that should come as a welcome relief to hunters, the United States Court of Appeals has finally removed Wyoming’s wolves from federal protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Wolf management is now in the hands of the state.

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Experiencing A Spot and Stalk Trophy Antelope Hunt

There are antelope hunts. And then there’s a trophy antelope hunt on some of Wyoming’s most incredible big game habitat where the action never seems to stop. There’s nothing quite like the experience of a free-range, spot-and-stalk antelope hunt in an area with high game density and excellent trophy quality.

That’s exactly what we offer here at SNS Outfitter and Guides. We love hunting North America’s fastest land animal and o[...]

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WHDF Hosts CWD Awareness Event in Jackson

The Wyoming Hunter Defense Fund (WHDF) is hosting a CWD awareness event on March 22 in Jackson. In a proactive effort battle anti-hunting pressure, the WHDF will present latest research on Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) and the impact the disease is making on our Big Game herds.

Some anti-hunting groups have intentionally spread misconceptions about CWD as an indirect path to try and limit hunting opportunities. These groups have tried t[...]

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Featured Hunt: Mule Deer and Antelope Combo

One of the most exciting things about hunting in Wyoming is the widely varying range of opportunities. From the plains to the peaks, this is a state that offers everything. Some of our favorite hunts each year are the mule deer and antelope Combo hunts.

These combo hunts offer everything you could want in a classic, western hunt. There’s nothing like b[...]

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Featured Hunt: Two States, Two Trophy Deer

Our final hunt of the year was our ever-popular two-state, two-deer hunt. Once again, we had a great time hunting Wyoming whitetail deer, and Montana mule deer. Our clients took some great bucks, and it was a great way to wrap up the season.

This two-trophy deer hunt takes place during the peak of the rut. It’s always fu[...]

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Wyoming’s Overnight Canyon

We’ve received a great deal of questions recently about a giant crack in the earth that recently appeared on a ranch where we operate in the southern foothills of the Bighorn Mountains. Thinking it was interesting, but not knowing that it would get so much attention, we posted a photo on our Facebook page. After being shared more than 7,000 times, we started receiving a flood of questions and co[...]

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Selecting the Right Boots for Your Wyoming Hunt

Having the right gear can make or break your Wyoming hunt, and this is especially true of your boots. Boots could possibly be your most important investment after your firearm or bow. You will wear them every day in the field, and they must perform well. If you are cold, wet, or get blisters on your feet, it’s not going to be a fun experience. You may not be able to spend the necessary time in the field, and you may not be able to hike to th[...]

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