We are thrilled to announce the results of the first week of fall black bear hunting. With the first week complete in western Wyoming, we’re happy to report that we have five bears on the ground thus far. This is no overnight task, as our guides spend a considerable portion of the summer scouting, baiting, identifying good locations for bear baits, and more.
With that in mind, let’s talk about how our guides prepare for you,[...]
With summer right around the corner, May happens to be one of our most favorite months of the year. You’re probably thinking, “why May?” since hunting season doesn’t officially begin until late-August with our archery antelope hunts. Well, let’s face it: we are fully underway with our spring bear hunts, and we couldn’t be more thrilled.
So far, we already have a couple of bears down, photos to come[...]
Due to popular demand, we’ve added an additional week to our spring black bear hunts! These hunts will take place from June 4th – 8th; and, we’re anticipating the remaining four spots will go fast. These availabilities are on a first-come, first-serve basis, so don’t delay! For details, please call us ASAP at 307-266-4229.
Our spring black bear hunts take place along the Greys River at the beautiful B[...]