There’s Still Time to Apply for Wyoming Antelope

Picture yourself at first light, glassing across Wyoming’s undulating plains and badlands, spotting that first brown and white figure with black cheek patches and heavy, dark horns. Imagine yourself carefully picking your way up a shallow ravine, sneaking into range on a herd of antelope that’s just out of sight, on the open sagebrush flat.

For us here at SNS Outfitter and Guides, that’s what it’s all about. We love pursing ante[...]

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Featured Hunting Camp: Jackson Hole Outfitters

Just ask any of our trophy mule deer hunters or archery elk hunters about their experience at our Jackson Hole Outfitters hunting camp, and you’ll begin to understand how special this place is.

The Jackson Hole Outfitters camp is situated on the Greys River in western Wyoming, just south of Jackson. Amid a spectacular alpine setting, this camp offers a wonderful balance between first-class comfort and a classic wall-tent hunting camp [...]

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Montana Mule Deer Application Deadline

Hunting big, Montana mule deer? Yes, Please! We love hunting big mulies in the big sky state and the 2016 application deadline is almost here! We hunt mule deer in Southwest Montana on an incredible, 42,000-acre ranch. This property is ideal mule deer habitat, including timbered breaks, rolling grasslands and miles of hayfields.

We’ve carefully managed this[...]

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Featured Hunt: Mule Deer and Antelope Combo

One of the most exciting things about hunting in Wyoming is the widely varying range of opportunities. From the plains to the peaks, this is a state that offers everything. Some of our favorite hunts each year are the mule deer and antelope Combo hunts.

These combo hunts offer everything you could want in a classic, western hunt. There’s nothing like b[...]

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Application Period Open for Nonresident Antelope and Deer

If you’re interested in hunting opportunities in Wyoming, it’s application season and now is the time to book your hunt! If you’d like to apply for a nonresident antelope or deer license this year in Wyoming, applications are now being accepted.

If you are interested in hunting in Wyoming this year, but not sure where to apply or how, please let us know. Here at SNS Outfitter and Guides, we handle that process for our [...]

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New SNS Outfitters Website at

In case you didn’t notice, we are very excited to let you know that a new SNS Outfitters website is now up and running at We put a great deal of thought and effort into the new site and we hope you find it easier to use and navigate.

One major change is the way we’ve organized our hunts. Now, you can search by the numbered hunt (consistent with our brochure) or you can search by species. We have also added a Frequently [...]

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SNS Outfitter at the SCI Show in Las Vegas

Once again this year, SNS founder Sy Gilliland will be at the Safari Club International Convention in Las Vegas, NV. As is usually the case, Sy will be walking the floor of the exhibition hall and available on his cell phone for meetings.

Sy will be at the SCI show Wednesday through Friday, February 3rd – 5th. If you’d like to schedule a time to m[...]

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Featured Hunt: Two States, Two Trophy Deer

Our final hunt of the year was our ever-popular two-state, two-deer hunt. Once again, we had a great time hunting Wyoming whitetail deer, and Montana mule deer. Our clients took some great bucks, and it was a great way to wrap up the season.

This two-trophy deer hunt takes place during the peak of the rut. It’s always fu[...]

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SNS Supports Pronghorn in California

We are proud to announce that SNS Outfitter and Guides has partnered with Safari Club International’s San Diego chapter by donating a fully guided Wyoming pronghorn hunt to the chapter’s 2016 spring auction and fundraiser.

As the country’s top antelope outfitter, we have a keen interest in the conservation of the American pronghorn. The San Diego chapter of SCI has been a key player in reintroducing pronghorn to southern Californi[...]

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2015 Season Update

The 2015 season has been another great one here at SNS Outfitter and Guides in Wyoming. We just wrapped up our final hunts of the year and this one is in the books!

A huge thanks goes out to all of our hunters! We’re here because of you and it was a pleasure getting to hunt with each of you this season. To clients old and new, we hope to see you back here in Wyoming again soon! Hunting with great people is what makes our job so specia[...]

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