Archery Antelope Hunting Update

Our 2014 archery antelope hunting season was a great success again, here at SNS Outfitter & Guides in Wyoming! Overall, we were fortunate with good weather and excellent hunting conditions. Our archery antelope hunters harvested some great bucks and we had a lot of fun. The archery hunt is always a fun time of year. Seeing these animals up close and personal is a great experience.

Our archery antelope hunts are 5-day hunts that take[...]

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Meet the Guides: Deer and Antelope Hunting Guide Jason Hill

SNS is extremely proud of its team of hunting guides and employees, and Jason Hill is a perfect example of why. Jason has been guiding for SNS for 15 years, and has a wealth of hunting knowledge. SNS is an employee-owned company and we are proud that Jason is one of our owners, helping direct the vision and future of this outfit.

We recently sat down with Jason to discuss his thoughts on mule deer and antelope hunting, and to h[...]

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Meet the Staff: Ambrosia Brown, Office Manager

Ambrosia Brown is the SNS Outfitter & Guides office manager – a title that doesn’t begin to describe the myriad of responsibilities that she handles. We recently sat down with Ambrosia to discuss her role in the SNS office and what consumes her time during the hunting season and throughout the year. Here is what she had to say:

Q: How long have you worked for SNS Outfitter & Guides and how did you begin?


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Wyoming Elk Hunting Opportunities: What’s Your Ideal Hunt?

Here at SNS Outfitter & Guides, we are proud to offer some excellent and unique elk hunting opportunities. From our own private lodge on a 10,000 acre ranch, to the wild country of the Greys River, we have elk hunting opportunities for just about everyone.

Wyoming is a big place with widely varying landscapes. From badlands to open prairie, to lofty, snow-capped peaks, it’s a place of extremes. And we think it’s only fitting t[...]

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2014 Wyoming Spring Black Bear Hunts Are Underway!

Our Wyoming spring black bear hunts are off to a great start! Our hunters are making the most of weather and snow conditions and we’ve been fortunate to take some excellent bears.

Here are a few photos from the recent black bear hunts:


(Click on the images to view larger versions)

For more information on hunting with SNS Outfitter & Guides, please check out our Read More

In Their Own Words: Interview With An SNS Hunter

We recently had the opportunity to chat with one of our longtime clients, Joe Mele. Joe has been hunting with SNS for nearly 15 years, and has had the opportunity to harvest antelope, mule deer, whitetail deer and elk across Wyoming and Montana.

Q: What are some of your best memories of your Montana or Wyoming hunting trips with SNS?

Joe: Man, I have so many great memories of my hunts with SNS. One of my favorite memories was on [...]

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Mule Deer Hunting 101: Our Guides’ Number 1 Tips

When it comes to big game in North America, trophy mule deer are among the most sought-after species. Weighing in at close to 300 pounds and reaching antler measurements of over 200 inches, mule deer are icons of the American west.

Mule deer are highly adaptable, ranging from river bottoms and high plains to alpine environments above timberline. From southwest deserts to coastal forests, mule deer hunting presents a variety of challenge[...]

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Antelope Hunting 101: Our Guides’ #1 Tips

The American pronghorn antelope is a notoriously skittish animal with excellent vision. Approaching them across open country can sometimes present a significant challenge to hunters. They are also one of the most difficult animals to judge on the hoof, presenting an even greater challenge to those seeking an antelope buck of trophy quality.

We recently sat down with a few of our guides and asked them for their number one tips when it co[...]

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Going to the SCI Show in Vegas? Call us!

If you are planning to attend the Safari Club International Annual Convention in Las Vegas during the first week in February, please give us a call! We will not have a booth at this year’s show but we will be walking the floor Wednesday through Friday.

Whether you’ve been thinking about a Wyoming big game hunt, or just want to learn m[...]

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