Last Chance to Book a 2017 Hunt at the 2016 Price

Our 2017 prices were scheduled to go into effect on August 1. But we have decided to extend the deadline to book your 2017 hunt at this year’s prices. We will now honor the 2016 hunt prices until August 15! This is your last chance to book a hunt for next year at the current price!

Starting August 15, 2017 prices go into effect for all of our hunts. If you’d like to experience a Wyoming hunt next year, this is a great time to lock i[...]

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Excitement for the 2016 Hunting Season

If you’re anything like us, you’re already looking forward to the 2016 hunting season with great excitement and anticipation! Here at SNS Outfitter and Guides, we are busy this summer, putting the final touches on our Wyoming hunting camps, making repairs and ensuring that everything is primed and ready for our first hunts of the year!

The season ki[...]

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Last Chance for Wyoming Preference Points

Wyoming preference points for all big game species are only on sale until the end of October! If you’re considering a Wyoming hunt in 2017 or beyond, purchasing preference points now can be a good idea, setting you up with more options down the road.

While many of our antelope and deer hunts can be drawn without points, purchasing a preference point can help assure that you get the hunting license you want. Our hunts that do require p[...]

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Hunt Openings for 2016

We’ve received a number of questions recently about our hunt openings for the 2016 Wyoming season. We have a few hunts still remaining, and we will list those here. Otherwise, we are already quickly booking for the 2017 season. If you know which hunt you’d like to book for 2017, we recommend doing that as soon as possible. On August 15th, our 2017 prices go into effect!

For details or to book one of these spots, call us ASAP at 307-[...]

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Book Next Year’s Hunt By July 31 and Get Last Year’s Price

Our new price increase goes into effect on August 1st. But if you book your 2017 hunt by July 31, we will still honor the current price. Since our most popular hunts tend to fill up early, hopefully this gives you an extra reason to lock in your dates for next year. Book next year’s hunt by July 31 and get last year’s price!


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2016 Spring Black Bear Hunts Have Begun

We are excited to announce that the 2016 hunting season has begun! Our spring black bear hunts in western Wyoming kicked off on May 9. We are happy to welcome our first guests of the year to the Box Y Lodge along the Greys River for what is always one of the most fun hunts of the year and a perfect way to start the season.

Bear hunts at the Box Y Lodge provide a perfect balance of relaxation and hunting excitement. With plenty of down t[...]

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September on the Greys River: Fall Black Bear Hunts

Early September along the Greys River; while middays still carry a touch of summer, the mountains are beginning to slip into fall. Mornings have a crisp bite in the air and the leaves are just beginning to show signs of change. If you’ve ever spent a clear September day in the Rockies, you know exactly what we mean.

There’s nothing quite like September at the Box Y lodge. The Read More

Featured Hunt: Mule Deer and Antelope Combo

One of the most exciting things about hunting in Wyoming is the widely varying range of opportunities. From the plains to the peaks, this is a state that offers everything. Some of our favorite hunts each year are the mule deer and antelope Combo hunts.

These combo hunts offer everything you could want in a classic, western hunt. There’s nothing like b[...]

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New SNS Outfitters Website at

In case you didn’t notice, we are very excited to let you know that a new SNS Outfitters website is now up and running at We put a great deal of thought and effort into the new site and we hope you find it easier to use and navigate.

One major change is the way we’ve organized our hunts. Now, you can search by the numbered hunt (consistent with our brochure) or you can search by species. We have also added a Frequently [...]

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