Let’s Go! Your preparation guide to Hunting in the West

Interest in western hunting has seen a steady increase in demand. Competition for licenses and openings with reputable hunting outfitters is at an all time high. After months of planning and in some cases years of gathering preference points, you have successfully drawn that coveted license. You beat the odds now it’s the final countdown. It’s time to check your gear, shoot your gun and get your legs and lungs in shape.


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Men’s Gear Review: Gear to Take A Look At

Hunting in the West means endless opportunities to tag world-class game, hike amongst pristine views, and enjoy variable weather. While one afternoon may bring sunshine and blue skies, the following morning could result in heavy snowfall. This provides a great opportunity to catch game moving down from higher elevations — but only if you and your gear are ready. For me, this starts with packing gear into the field that is as versatile as po[...]

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The Guided Hunter’s Daypack: What (and What Not) to Bring

A guided hunt is an awesome experience. It often means seeing a new area for the first time, and sometimes hunting a new species for the first time. One of the most common questions we receive from our guided hunters is what they are responsible to bring. 

We send a checklist to each of our hunters before their trip. The needs of a hunter on an antelope hunt from town are of course much different than hunting elk or mule deer from a remot[...]

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What Rifle Should You Bring On A Western Big Game Hunt?

Each hunting season, we have the great opportunity of hosting many hunters on their first western big game hunt. But whether it’s their first time hunting out west or not, there are still plenty of pre-trip questions to answer. One common question we hear is regarding what rifle to bring on a big game hunt.

Our big game hunting guides have the opportunity to see a lot of animals hit the ground each year. We’ve seen the good, the bad, and t[...]

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