Client Story: Kevin Moynahan Tells It All

Hey Sy and Ambrosia, 

This will be my 5th year hunting with SNS, and there is never a dull moment. Recently, I was hunting with my guide, Lex Dyer, looking for a freak antelope (which, we had spotted). Although we began our stalk, we were not able to get on the antelope. But, on our way back, Lex spotted a beautiful antelope, only 200 yards away. He told me, “Shoot that antelope! It’s a very nice one.” We were side hillin[...]

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Spot and Stalk Mule Deer Hunting Tactics

The open country nature of western mule deer means you are often forced into careful stalking scenarios during both archery and rifle seasons. Spot and stalk mule deer hunting is extremely visual and will truly test your patience. The experience is thrilling, especially when you creep within range and create a shot opportunity. 

Find and Observe

Glass, glass and glass some more. Before you start a stalk, find your deer. The [...]

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Four Late Season Mule Deer Rut Tactics

Hunting the mule deer rut is beyond exciting when timed right. Rut hunts are not available in all states and it doesn’t happen on an exact schedule. November is rut season overall with a peak that varies based on the region. Wyoming and Montana are two of the primary states where rut opportunities exist. Many are limited draw or require outfitter access to privately leased ranches. Here’s what to expect on a late season rut hunt.


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It’s Time to Purchase Your Wyoming Preference Points

Wyoming preference points are now on sale. If you didn’t earn a preference point in the draw this year (or draw your first choice license) you can now purchase a preference point. 

Preference points for deer, elk and antelope are now available for purchase. If you’d like to hunt Wyoming at any point in the future, purchasing a point now is a no-brainer. For a small preference point fee, you’ll open the door to some outstandin[...]

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Mule Deer Hunting Basics: 3 Tips for a Successful Hunt

There is something captivating about big mule deer; whether standing in a sea of sage, sneaking through the aspens, or topping over a ridge against the setting sun, the image of a big mule deer buck is a unique picture of the American West. 

The popularity of mule deer hunting never seems to wane. In fact, there’s more demand each year for tags and mule deer hunts. And thanks to careful management and hunter-funded conservation e[...]

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Last Chance to Book a 2018 Hunt at the 2017 Price

On August 15th, new pricing for our 2018 hunts will go into effect. So if you’re thinking of booking a hunt for next year, this is your chance to lock in your spot at the current rate! But you must book before August 15th. 

Our 2018 season still has plenty of openings. Our Wyoming antelope hunts, spring and fall black bear hunts, the Wyoming and Montana mule deer hunts, and our Wyoming elk hunts have some great spots still availa[...]

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Wyoming Antelope and Deer Draw Results Available

As of 10:00 a.m. on June 22, the draw results for Wyoming antelope and deer licenses will be posted on the Game and Fish Website.

We understand that there’s a ton of excitement when the draw results become available. If you were successful in drawing a tag, we will mail your complete information packet next week, which includes all of your pre-hunt details. Expect to see those packets in your mailbox the week of July 4th.&nb[...]

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Last Chance to Apply for Wyoming Antelope and Deer

The deadline is approaching to apply for Wyoming antelope and deer licenses for 2017. Applications must be submitted by May 31. If you’d like to hunt in Wyoming this year, now is the time to plan your hunt!

In most of our antelope hunting units, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department has increased license numbers for the 2017 season due to healthy herds, high fawn recruitment and low winter-kill. The harsh winter at high elevations in w[...]

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Wyoming Wolves Back Under State Management

P.C.: SNS Guide Jim Bernardin.

In a decision that should come as a welcome relief to hunters, the United States Court of Appeals has finally removed Wyoming’s wolves from federal protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Wolf management is now in the hands of the state.

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Wyoming Winter Range and Wildlife Conditions Update

As western states continue to accumulate snowpack in the high country, there has been a great deal of buzz about threatening winter conditions for wildlife. Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve received many questions from clients about our winter conditions here in Wyoming and how that’s impacting wildlife. Here’s a quick update.


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