Western Hunting: Your Workout Recommendations and Guide

You now have a western hunt book — possibly for the first time — or you’re returning for another unforgettable experience. Either way, you need to make sure your fitness is in check; and to be fair, hunting is hard and western hunting is even more difficult. From your gear to your emotions, everything can be put to the test during a western hunt. Even with the help of modern day technology, your fitness level is the only tool that can g[...]

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Season Tips from Sy: Start Conditioning for Your Hunt

As we enter February there are many things to look forward to. The best thing is that we are one month closer to hunting season. I’m sure many of you have already started checking your gear and maybe you’ve even started working with your rifles. However, there is something every hunter needs to begin today to be prepared for their hunt this fall: conditioning. 

Conditioning is one of the most important parts of [...]

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How To Choose Your Outfitter

Admittedly, selecting the right hunting outfitter is not an easy process. With hundreds of thousands of outfitters around the world, there are numerous aspects to take into consideration. First, what species are you interested in hunting? Once you have that figured out, which state do you want to hunt in? Are you looking for an area where tags are easy to draw? Furthermore, are you looking for a trophy or simply want to fill your freezer?[...]

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Best Gift Ideas for The Hunters in Your House: Our Guide

Finding the best gifts for you hunters might seem hard at first — after all, it’s actually pretty tough to choose  the perfect gun or bow for a hunter. But, as it turns out, buying accessories for them is pretty dang easy. Why? Because we are here recommending our three favorite hunting tools of this past season. 

We take pride in recommending gifts for your hunters because we not only recommend a particular can’t[...]

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How to Prepare for Hunting Season: Fitness Edition

Disclaimer: while we aren’t doctors, these are fitness tips (for hunting) that we find beneficial. Please consult your physician or certified physical trainer if you have any questions.

Traversing a mostly untouched terrain, with a heavy pack of hunting gear in tow, is certainly taxing. From now until August, though, you can prepare your body to climb through rocky mountain slopes, brace muddy hillsides, and race after agile animals. Through[...]

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3 Tips to Finding the Best Boots for Your Next Western Hunt

Boots are one of the most important things that you’ll purchase for any western hunt. Unlike items that can be borrowed from your buddies like a jacket or optics, boots are a personalized item that’s going to fit everyone differently. 

Here are 3 tips to finding the best boots for your next western hunt: 

1. Find Boots that Fit You

The very best brand of boots is the one that fits you best. A Kenetrek will fit your food[...]

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Mule Deer Hunting Basics: 3 Tips for a Successful Hunt

There is something captivating about big mule deer; whether standing in a sea of sage, sneaking through the aspens, or topping over a ridge against the setting sun, the image of a big mule deer buck is a unique picture of the American West. 

The popularity of mule deer hunting never seems to wane. In fact, there’s more demand each year for tags and mule deer hunts. And thanks to careful management and hunter-funded conservation efforts,[...]

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Antelope Hunting Basics: What to Expect on a Pronghorn Hunt

If you’re new to hunting antelope, you’ll find some challenges totally unique to this species. In fact taxonomically, they are not related to anything else in the world. Not a true antelope and not related to other deer species like elk or moose, the American pronghorn is one of a kind. 

Antelope are perhaps best known for their excellent vision. T[...]

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Spring Training: Start Working Toward Your 2017 Hunt

Hunting seasons are less than five months away and that means it’s time to get in gear! If you aren’t already working at it, don’t wait any longer to begin spring training for your fall hunt.

Our Wyoming and Montana hunting trips have widely varying physical requirements. From ranches with good vehicle access, all the way to the high country hunts near timberline, the needs are different. But there should be one consistent goal across th[...]

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How to Prepare for a Spring Bear Hunt in Wyoming

At the start of a new year, the first thing on the agenda for many hunters is a spring bear hunt. Here at SNS Outfitter and Guides, it’s something we look forward to every year. As a side note, we actually have a few spots open for spring black bear hunts in Wyoming this May! For details call us at 307-266-4229 or see our Black Bear Hunt Page for details.

A spring black bear hunt in Wyomi[...]

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