Let’s Go! Your preparation guide to Hunting in the West

Interest in western hunting has seen a steady increase in demand. Competition for licenses and openings with reputable hunting outfitters is at an all time high. After months of planning and in some cases years of gathering preference points, you have successfully drawn that coveted license. You beat the odds now it’s the final countdown. It’s time to check your gear, shoot your gun and get your legs and lungs in shape.


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Mastering Preference Points

The preference point application period has once again come around. While many of the hunts offered by SNS do not take years to draw, we highly recommend the purchase of points to help ensure successful draw results. 

Wyoming’s preference points are species specific rather than area specific. The application period to buy preference points in 2021 is July – November 1. [...]

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Horseback Hunt 101

Please enjoy this informative look at SNS Horseback hunting gear.

Every year the SNS receives questions about the equipment used on horseback hunts with our outfit. It’s often a hunter’s first time participating on a horseback hunt and the speciality equipment used can be a little intimidating. We thought it would be helpful to share with you the unique equipment used on SNS horseback hunts.

Riding back to camp after a succes[...]
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Raising The Next Generation of Hunters

The Hunting industry is currently booming. Many Americans are realizing that the finest organic meat in the world roams in the wild. In the year 2020 more than 3 million American’s who have never purchased a hunting license bought their very first one. This is incredible news for the hunting industry and our future generation of hunters. As a parent or grandparent you may be wondering how to build an interest in hunting within your own chil[...]

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Three Rounds, Are You Ready?

SNS Outfitter & Guides at the Wyoming Gun Company

It’s countdown time! That long awaited hunt is right around the corner. On top of getting your daily exercise so you are ready for the rigors of a western hunt, it is also time to make sure your gear is up to standard. Next, let’s not forget the importance of getting your rifle, scope, and ammo tuned up and ready. It’s vital to carve out some time to hit the rifle range and mak[...]

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Conditioning for your Hunt & Life Beyond

There is no doubt about it! The presence of Covid-19 has changed how we are currently living our lives. These days of social distancing absolutely have their downsides. I can’t help but appreciate, however, the heightened perspective that it has brought to many. I see people dialing in on what is truly important to them; faith, family and our health. Projects that have gone untouched for months, or even years, are getting checked off t[...]

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Cow Elk Hunting with SNS Outfitter & Guides

Recently we have had an increased interest in our cow elk hunts. Here at SNS Outfitter & Guides, we offer two different options for our cow elk hunts, Regular season (October) and Late season (November). I will be breaking down the differences in the hunts for you today.

Regular Season (October) Cow Elk Hunts: These four-day horseback hunts in the Big Horn Mountain Range are fully guided and include room and board while in camp[...]

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Season Prep Tip: Sighting in Your Rifle

All rifles should be sighted-in before every hunt using the ammunition you plan to use. A gun that was sighted-in prior to your last outing could have been knocked out of alignment by a single jolt. That misalignment could mean the difference between a successful hunt and a disappointing experience. Rifles should be topped with quality scopes at a minimum of 3×9 power with a 40mm objective or larger. Remember, we take longer shots out[...]

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FAQ: What Should I Tip?

“What is proper etiquette for tipping my guide and support staff (I.e. cooks, camp jack, etc) on my hunt?”

This is a question I get asked quite often this time of year and the answer is simple, yet complex. 

Let’s start with your guide. It is customary to tip your guide 10% of the hunt price for a single hunt since you will be working with the same guide for the entire hunt (check the price of the hunt y[...]

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Your Outdoor Fitness Elevated: Shed Hunting, The Do’s and Don’ts.

With spring in sight and many of you eager to get outside, we encourage you to take advantage of the warmer temps and test your outdoor fitness. Take the time and hit the trails! While you’re in the foothills, it’s a great time of year to keep an eye out for big game antlers. Although many take this task very seriously, we would like to remind you to check your state laws regarding shed hunting, and keep in mind the well-being of the wild[...]

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