Update on the Wyoming Hunter Defense Fund

A few months ago, we featured a post about the Wyoming Hunter Defense Fund (WHDF), a new initiative to help protect sportsmen’s to access hunting opportunities in Wyoming, educate the public about the benefits of hunting tourism, and to conserve wildlife habitat across the state. SNS Outfitter and Guides has been dedicated to this effort and our hunters have made generous donations to support WHDF.

We would like to let you[...]

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Testimonial: Wyoming Antelope and Mule Deer Hunting

We recently received this email from a recent Wyoming antelope and mule deer hunting client, and we wanted to share it with you here. Not only thanks to Ryan, but we’d like to thank all of those who hunted with us this year! It is the wonderful people we meet that makes our job truly special. We enjoyed hunting with you all and we’re already looking forward to seeing many of you again here in 2015!

“S&S,   I just [...]

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Photo Update: 2014 Wyoming Hunts

Most of our 2014 Wyoming hunts have come to a close. We had a great season of antelope hunts, mule deer hunts and elk hunts here across the state. Compared to the heavy October snows of last year, the weather was very cooperative. In fact, it was a little too warm at times. However, after dealing with the headaches that the snow caused in 2013, nobody was complaining about this year’s Indian summer.

Antelope hunting overall was ve[...]

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As Holidays Approach, 2015 Hunts Filling Fast

Our 2015 hunts are starting to fill up! As we are in the midst of this year’s hunts, next season may seem like a long time from now. But if you’ve hunted with us before, you know that some of our most popular hunts tend to fill up before the holidays! That means it’s time to start thinking about your plans for next year. If you are interested in a 2015 hunt, please contact us soon.

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2014 Mid-Season Wyoming Hunt Report

Here is our mid-season Wyoming hunt update from our camps around the state. Our 2014 season has been action-packed! We have been fortunate to have good weather and great hunters. We would like to thank everyone who has already hunted with us this year. And to those of you who still have hunts coming up – we are looking forward to seeing you here soon!

While Wyoming weather often presents its challenges, we have had good conditions[...]

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Archery Antelope Hunting Update

Our 2014 archery antelope hunting season was a great success again, here at SNS Outfitter & Guides in Wyoming! Overall, we were fortunate with good weather and excellent hunting conditions. Our archery antelope hunters harvested some great bucks and we had a lot of fun. The archery hunt is always a fun time of year. Seeing these animals up close and personal is a great experience.

Our archery antelope hunts are 5-day hunts that take[...]

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Meet the Staff: Ambrosia Brown, Office Manager

Ambrosia Brown is the SNS Outfitter & Guides office manager – a title that doesn’t begin to describe the myriad of responsibilities that she handles. We recently sat down with Ambrosia to discuss her role in the SNS office and what consumes her time during the hunting season and throughout the year. Here is what she had to say:

Q: How long have you worked for SNS Outfitter & Guides and how did you begin?


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2014 Wyoming Hunting Season Outlook

As we approach the end of May, the Wyoming hunting outlook is positive with snowpack and wildlife habitat in excellent condition.  Thanks to several late season storms, the state now stands at 164% of the median for total snowpack.

After two relatively dry years in 2012 and 2013, grazing and browsing conditions for antelope, mule deer, elk and other wildlife is in great shape. This should lead to healthy calf and fawn growth throughout[...]

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2014 Wyoming Spring Black Bear Hunts Are Underway!

Our Wyoming spring black bear hunts are off to a great start! Our hunters are making the most of weather and snow conditions and we’ve been fortunate to take some excellent bears.

Here are a few photos from the recent black bear hunts:


(Click on the images to view larger versions)

For more information on hunting with SNS Outfitter & Guides, please check out our Read More