Excellent Antelope Conditions and Increased License Numbers

This year in Wyoming, much of the talk has been about severe winter conditions at high elevations in the western part of the state. But while certain areas in the high country have received heavy snow, it’s a far different story over on the eastern flank of the Rockies and across the plains.

Amid the buzz about a rough winter for high country mule deer, we are currently anticipating one of our best years for antelope in recent history[...]

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Experiencing A Spot and Stalk Trophy Antelope Hunt

There are antelope hunts. And then there’s a trophy antelope hunt on some of Wyoming’s most incredible big game habitat where the action never seems to stop. There’s nothing quite like the experience of a free-range, spot-and-stalk antelope hunt in an area with high game density and excellent trophy quality.

That’s exactly what we offer here at SNS Outfitter and Guides. We love hunting North America’s fastest land animal and o[...]

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Photo Update From Our 2016 Hunting Season

It has been another fun year in Wyoming and we’d like to share some photos from our 2016 hunting season. We are still wrapping up a couple of hunts (Montana Mule Deer and Two-State Deer Hunt) but photos are rolling in from many of the completed hunts. From elk to antelope, black bear to mule deer, we are thankful for another great yea[...]

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A Father-Son Antelope Hunt: A Story from the 2016 Season

We recently had the pleasure of reading a great story written by one of our 2016 hunters and we wanted to share it with the rest of the SNS hunting family. It’s the story of a father-son antelope hunt from this October, written by Dave Allee.

Dave and his father Mark hunted with us earlier this season. It was Dave’s first big game hunt and we were thrilled to be a part of it! Dave had been dreaming about and planning this hunt for a[...]

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2016 Antelope and Mule Deer Hunting Update

We’ve enjoyed another outstanding hunting season here in Wyoming in 2016 and we wanted to provide a little update. From our camps in western Wyoming’s high country along the Greys River, to our Antelope camps on the eastern side of the state, we’re thankful for another memorable hunting season.

Much of our early hunting season was marked by unusually warm weather across the state. Our high country trophy mule deer hunts from the B[...]

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Experiencing a Son’s First Antelope Hunt

SNS Executive Administrator Ambrosia Brown recently had the opportunity to experience her son Gavin’s first antelope hunt. Taking a kid hunting is something special for any parent or grandparent. In fact, we’ve had a number of hunters this season bring their kids or grandkids.

An antelope hunt is a great way to introduce youth hunters to the world of western big game hunting. We recently spoke with 14-year-old Gavin about his experi[...]

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Don’t Forget to Enter Our Free Antelope Hunt Giveaway

On a cool October morning, a steady breeze moves across the rolling Wyoming landscape dotted with sage under a big blue sky. As you carefully comb the hillsides and draws with your binoculars, you spot a lone antelope buck. He’s a half-mile away, moving up the far side of a sandy creek bed. The stalk is on! You and your guide bail into a shallow draw and begin the approach.

That’s what a Wyoming antelope hunt is all about! Here at S[...]

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The 2016 Hunting Season Has Arrived In Wyoming

The time of year that we’ve all been anticipating is finally here and we’re glad to have kicked off the 2016 hunting season here in Wyoming. We’ve already had some successful fall bear hunts and archery antelope hunts.

The weather has continued to be very warm over the past few weeks but overall hunting conditions are looking good for the season. With no significant drought or other factors to contend with, animals are in great co[...]

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Last Chance to Book a 2017 Hunt at the 2016 Price

Our 2017 prices were scheduled to go into effect on August 1. But we have decided to extend the deadline to book your 2017 hunt at this year’s prices. We will now honor the 2016 hunt prices until August 15! This is your last chance to book a hunt for next year at the current price!

Starting August 15, 2017 prices go into effect for all of our hunts. If you’d like to experience a Wyoming hunt next year, this is a great time to lock i[...]

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Last Chance for Wyoming Preference Points

Wyoming preference points for all big game species are only on sale until the end of October! If you’re considering a Wyoming hunt in 2017 or beyond, purchasing preference points now can be a good idea, setting you up with more options down the road.

While many of our antelope and deer hunts can be drawn without points, purchasing a preference point can help assure that you get the hunting license you want. Our hunts that do require p[...]

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