Count down to your Antelope hunt

It’s almost July and its time to start fine tuning your gear for your upcoming hunt. Getting your rifle ready for your Wyoming Antelope hunt needs to be at the very top of your list. Most hunters own multiple rifles so choosing the best firearm to hunt the flat, wide open spaces of Wyoming is important.

The terrain in antelope country is generally rolling prairie grasslands and sagebrush. Antelope stand about 3 feet tall at their shou[...]

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It’s not all bad news! Central Wyoming Antelope faired well

While you may have heard the news of what a hard winter some areas of Wyoming experienced this year, you likely have not heard, how well the antelope in central Wyoming faired. Bad news always travels more quickly after all, but we wanted to reassure our clients. The worst winter conditions occurred in southern and south western Wyoming, fortunately areas we do not hunt. Our trophy areas in central Wyoming have maintained the same antelope buc[...]

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2023 Hunting Opportunity with SNS Outfitter and Guides

As the 2022 hunting season winds down, it’s natural to want to plan your next hunt. SNS Outfitter & Guides has been extremely busy booking our 2023 and 2024 hunting seasons. The trend the last few years has been for hunters to plan farther into the future when booking their hunts. This has caused many repeat SNS clients to be disappointed when they try to book a hunt and dates are full. In the hopes of avoiding any frustrations, [...]

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Antelope Hunting; It’s a Father Daughter thing.

One of the best things about being a Wyoming Outfitter is helping to provide memories that last a lifetime. This fall we had the pleasure of providing some incredible hunts for many awesome clients. It adds an extra special element when we are able to guide youth hunters. Often times it is their first big game hunt and it is such fun to have their parents along for the adventure. When it comes to the perfect hunt for first time youth hunters, [...]

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Antelope license demand and herd health 9/2022

How come it has become harder to draw a non resident Wyoming antelope license? This question is often asked of Sy and Ambrosia when hunters call looking for a Wyoming antelope hunt. The answer involves three main factors. First, the over all demand from non residents desiring to hunt antelope has caused the draw odds to become more difficult. Second, Wyoming’s antelope population has experienced a decline due to a recent harsh weather event [...]

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Planning a Western Hunt

Interest in western hunting continues to be very high. Because of this interest, its very important do some long range planning for your future hunts. Wyoming Mule Deer and Pronghorn Antelope hunts continue to be highly sought after each year. When you start the planning process, it is key to learn about the different licensing systems each western state uses to issue non-resident hunting licenses.


The sale of[...]

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Test your Pronghorn knowledge with SNS

 The Pronghorn Antelope is not an Antelope at all; it is the last remaining of its species today. Our North American Pronghorn are more closely related to a Giraffe than they are to African plains Antelope. Pronghorns are Ruminants with a four chamber stomach, forked horns that shed each year after the rut (unique in that they are the only horned animal that shed this sheath each year), the horn itself is a 2-part structure, an interior bone[...]

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Random Antelope Draw

The demand for our Pronghorn Antelope hunts has grown significantly. The interest is so great that antelope hunts are often selling a year in advance. We wanted to create a solution for those interested in hunting Antelope with our outfit. Our answer was to help our clients take advantage of the Random Antelope Draw in Wyoming and also apply for Montana Antelope licenses. Here is how it works:

Glassing for just the right buck


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Our 44th year of Pronghorn Antelope Guiding, and counting!

September is here and that means pronghorn hunting. Wyoming is famous for its large population of pronghorn antelope. Casper is located in the heart of the finest antelope hunting in the world. 

SNS Outfitters has been offering and specializing in antelope hunts since 1977. The 2021 season will be our 44th year guiding clients form all over the United States and the world. Our lifetime success rate hunting antelope is an [...]

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Defining; “Spot and Stalk”

At times, western hunting styles have brought up a few questions.  Most hunters are very familiar with using blinds or shooting houses set up over travel corridors or more commonly over food plots. This type of hunting style is mostly a waiting game. When your quarry presents a good shot, the hunt is over. Out west, however, most hunts are conducted using a whole different hunting style. Its called, “Spot and Stalk”.

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