Conditioning for your Hunt & Life Beyond

There is no doubt about it! The presence of Covid-19 has changed how we are currently living our lives. These days of social distancing absolutely have their downsides. I can’t help but appreciate, however, the heightened perspective that it has brought to many. I see people dialing in on what is truly important to them; faith, family and our health. Projects that have gone untouched for months, or even years, are getting checked off t[...]

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Wyoming: a Plentiful Playground

Thanks to Covid-19, our daily routines and priorities have clearly changed. What SNS is doing however, is ramping up planning and preparation for you! Let me explain why.

I was on a conference call with part of the SNS team when it was mentioned that a surge of interest would be likely following this time of isolation for Americans. I fully admit, at times I am out of the loop, busy with my family and nursing shifts. But I did risk [...]

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From the desk of Outfitter, Sy Gilliland: 90/10 bill defeated

The Wyoming Legislature recently dealt with a second attempt by a singe state Senator to cut non-resident hunting licenses by half. In 2014 we faced an unexpected attempt by this same Senator when he introduced a similar bill. Fortunately the bill was killed by the Senate Travel, Recreation, and Wildlife Committee with a vote of 4-1. When this most recent bill was introduced the members of the Wyoming Outfitters & Guides Association (WYOG[...]

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Chronic wasting disease: My perspective

Over the last few years, as the concern surrounding the impact of Chronic Wasting Disease has increased, we as outfitters and hunters are left searching for answers on how to deal with the impacts of CWD. There is no known cure for the disease which makes it a grave threat to infected herds of deer and elk.

So, what can be done, and what is being done? In 2019 I was asked to be a part of a CWD working group made up of public me[...]

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A Sign of the Times

The past 25 years the SNS crew has entered these doors, climbed this set of stairs and found themselves in the mecca of prime hunting happenings. The office has always been a showcase of our passion, dedication and success. A collection of mule deer and antelope mounts overlooked the front office, the entry wall was covered with award plaques and the hallway had been lined with photographs of fond memories of SNS’ 43 years. Guides used to s[...]

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The Master of Involvement; WYOGA President, Sy Gilliland

Being an Outfitter is far more than meets the eye. The amount of planning and organization that goes into doing the job properly is an enormous task. In additional to time spent overseeing thousands of details, being involved with protecting conservation rights goes with the role. SNS Outfitter, Sy Gilliland, is the master of involvement! His resume over 43 years of outfitting includes highlights such as; ground breaking legislative work that[...]

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Post Season Scouting

A task that quickly follows the wrap of hunting season is “deer counting”. The SNS team has a commitment to conservation. Maintaining a knowledge base of herd health is crucial to what we do. Taking the time to obtain these numbers is a tremendous help with the overall management scheme for the years to come. When deer populations thrive, quality hunting flourishes!

Deer counting is a relaxing duty. The equipment list for a [...]

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Wyoming Hunt Recap: An Adventure with SNS Outfitter & Guides

Now that we’re only a couple weeks away from 2020, it’s time for me to recap my 2019 combo hunt with SNS. I had the opportunity to go on an amazing hunt with SNS Outfitter & Guides. It was a mule deer and antelope combo hunt in eastern Wyoming, and we stayed at Camp Envy, hunt 2. I’ll talk about the story of Camp Envy another ti[...]

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2019 Thank You – From SNS Outfitter & Guides

As the year comes to a close, and with it the 2019 hunting season. We wanted to say thank you to everyone that has hunted with us this year! We would also like to thank those who’ve already booked for 2020 and beyond we’re already looking forward to it! Without our hunters, we wouldn’t be here to share these incredible memories with you!

We not only value our hunters, but also our awesome crew. We would like to send a very big[...]

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2020 Wyoming Elk Application Reminder

Deadline: January 31, 2020Draw Results: May 20, 2020 JOIN US IN WYOMING Fill your freezer and have an adventure

As a reminder, the elk application deadline is quickly approaching! We have a limited number of bull elk hunts open in 2020. Don’t hesitate to book the hunt you have been dreaming about today. For those of you building preference points for a future Read More