Wyoming Elk Feed Grounds: need your help

Winter feeding of wildlife is a hot button issue and often pits wildlife lovers, hunters and conservationists against one other. Elk are fed each winter by the Wyoming Game & Fish Department and the National Elk Refuge. As townships and ranchers established themselves out west, elk were left with very little intact natural winter range.

The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission has tasked the department to hold a series of publ[...]

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Wyoming Hunting Camp Cook; deliciously delightful

“The Camp Cook or ‘Cookie’ was one of the more colorful characters of the American West. Serving as not only a food provider, but also doctor and dentist. A Camp Cookie was the toughest ranch hand to replace. He was an essential part of ranch life that spawned the cattle drives.” 

We would like to pay tribute to all our past, present and even future camp cooks. 

Patty & Janet whistling while they work[...]
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Fall in Love with Fall Black Bear Hunting

The word autumn rarely comes to mind when hunters think about black bear hunting. About 6 seasons ago, SNS Outfitter & Guides began offering an unprecedented fall season black bear hunt. 

Preparation for the season starts with the initial wave of putting out the baits. Pack horses are used to haul the heavy barrels and buckets. Once at the designated location, the barrels are anchored to a tree then filled with a high carbo[...]

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Three Rounds, Are You Ready?

SNS Outfitter & Guides at the Wyoming Gun Company

It’s countdown time! That long awaited hunt is right around the corner. On top of getting your daily exercise so you are ready for the rigors of a western hunt, it is also time to make sure your gear is up to standard. Next, let’s not forget the importance of getting your rifle, scope, and ammo tuned up and ready. It’s vital to carve out some time to hit the rifle range and mak[...]

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A look at the Southern Big Horn Elk Herd

Whether you prefer to read the Blog below or ride along with us, we appreciate your interest in SNS Outfitter & Guides!

Since the mid-1990’s, Wyomings elk population has experienced tremendous growth as have elk across the entire mountain west. The biologists in charge of managing these majestic game animals have many theories as to why elk numbers have exploded across the west. Wyoming’s statewide population estimate stands at 1[...]

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Fall 2020 Hunting Opportunities with SNS

Heather with SNS Outfitter & Guides

Did you miss out on the Wyoming License deadlines? Not to worry! We have some limited hunting opportunities for the upcoming 2020 hunting season. 

Your first option would be a fall black bear hunt. This is a unique hunting opportunity! Very few outfitters offer fall black bear hunts, let alone the option of riding to the baits on on horseback. About half of the baits used in the fall[...]

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It’s Open Season on Camp Chores

When SNS Outfitter, Sy Gilliland, informs new acquaintances that he is a hunting Outfitter their typical response is, “Man, that sounds like a great way to make a living! So, what do you do the rest of the year?”

There are a lot of misconceptions about the life of an outfitter. The main misnomer being that they only work during hunting season. This couldn’t be further from the truth! When hunting season ends, the travel season[...]

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Camaraderie, Small Town Diner Style

There are many aspects of going on a guided hunt. Some of which have nothing to do with the actual harvest, yet they make your experience that much richer. It may be a new piece of gear discovered, finding a shed or friendships made. Today as the deer retreat from the hayfields, our discussion turns to coffee and grub. This group is hunting from town, so we decide to head in for a bite.

An early start made for some hungry bellies! [...]
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Black Bear Season- what’s in store?


Every spring our guide crew and camp staff at SNS Outfitter & Guides looks forward to May 1st. We spend several days gathering groceries, doing maintenance on our ATV fleet and packing all the gear required for a successful spring black bear season. We all look forward to migrating west to the “Box Y Ranch” for another spring in the famous Greys River c[...]

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Pronghorn Antelope 101

Today we are taking a look at SNS’ most popular species to hunt, pronghorn antelope. You may keep close tabs on them during the hunting season, but how much do you really know about them the rest of the year?

We may as well begin by addressing their name. Are they antelope? Are they pronghorn? Are they pronghorn antelope? Technically speaking, the Latin name for the species found here in North America is Antilocapra Americana, or [...]

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