Bare Bow Archery Antelope Hunt

Congratulations to Kim Lutz on a successful archery antelope hunt! Kim took this beautiful Wyoming antelope with a bare bow after some serious sneaking and stalking. She showed great patience, and it certainly paid off.

Kim is the owner of Kim’s Wild Art, one of our favorite local taxidermists. The 2013 archery season con[...]

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New Weapons Regulations for Hunting in Wyoming

According to a recent press release from the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission (WGFC), new regulations have been enacted for hunting in Wyoming. The new regulations add additional calibers that can be used for big game, trophy game, and wild turkey hunting. The new regulation adds some calibers and ammunition that previously were not legal to hunt these spe[...]

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Interview with an SNS Guide: Guy Palmquist

SNS Outfitters and Guides is fortunate to have some of the best guides in the business and Guy Palmquist is no exception. He has been a professional Wyoming antelope hunting guide for over three decades and currently guides hunts for antelope, mule deer, elk and bear. Guy is an extremely talented field judge of record book antelope and has been guiding record boo[...]

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