Hunting with SNS in the Years to Come

Hunting is seeing a huge resurgence in participation. This trend has excited the outfitter industry and we all find ourselves hoping it continues. With New Zealand, Africa, Europe and Canadian outfitters having to forgo their 2020 season, hunters looked to the west to satisfy their desire for adventure. Before the pandemic, many outfitters booked a year or two in advance. These days, with the increased stateside demand, traveling sportsmen ar[...]

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Wyoming Elk Feed Grounds: need your help

Winter feeding of wildlife is a hot button issue and often pits wildlife lovers, hunters and conservationists against one other. Elk are fed each winter by the Wyoming Game & Fish Department and the National Elk Refuge. As townships and ranchers established themselves out west, elk were left with very little intact natural winter range.

The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission has tasked the department to hold a series of publ[...]

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Three Rounds, Are You Ready?

SNS Outfitter & Guides at the Wyoming Gun Company

It’s countdown time! That long awaited hunt is right around the corner. On top of getting your daily exercise so you are ready for the rigors of a western hunt, it is also time to make sure your gear is up to standard. Next, let’s not forget the importance of getting your rifle, scope, and ammo tuned up and ready. It’s vital to carve out some time to hit the rifle range and mak[...]

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A look at the Southern Big Horn Elk Herd

Whether you prefer to read the Blog below or ride along with us, we appreciate your interest in SNS Outfitter & Guides!

Since the mid-1990’s, Wyomings elk population has experienced tremendous growth as have elk across the entire mountain west. The biologists in charge of managing these majestic game animals have many theories as to why elk numbers have exploded across the west. Wyoming’s statewide population estimate stands at 1[...]

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Fall 2020 Hunting Opportunities with SNS

Heather with SNS Outfitter & Guides

Did you miss out on the Wyoming License deadlines? Not to worry! We have some limited hunting opportunities for the upcoming 2020 hunting season. 

Your first option would be a fall black bear hunt. This is a unique hunting opportunity! Very few outfitters offer fall black bear hunts, let alone the option of riding to the baits on on horseback. About half of the baits used in the fall[...]

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Pronghorn Antelope 101

Today we are taking a look at SNS’ most popular species to hunt, pronghorn antelope. You may keep close tabs on them during the hunting season, but how much do you really know about them the rest of the year?

We may as well begin by addressing their name. Are they antelope? Are they pronghorn? Are they pronghorn antelope? Technically speaking, the Latin name for the species found here in North America is Antilocapra Americana, or [...]

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Conditioning for your Hunt & Life Beyond

There is no doubt about it! The presence of Covid-19 has changed how we are currently living our lives. These days of social distancing absolutely have their downsides. I can’t help but appreciate, however, the heightened perspective that it has brought to many. I see people dialing in on what is truly important to them; faith, family and our health. Projects that have gone untouched for months, or even years, are getting checked off t[...]

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Wyoming: a Plentiful Playground

Thanks to Covid-19, our daily routines and priorities have clearly changed. What SNS is doing however, is ramping up planning and preparation for you! Let me explain why.

I was on a conference call with part of the SNS team when it was mentioned that a surge of interest would be likely following this time of isolation for Americans. I fully admit, at times I am out of the loop, busy with my family and nursing shifts. But I did risk [...]

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From the desk of Outfitter, Sy Gilliland: 90/10 bill defeated

The Wyoming Legislature recently dealt with a second attempt by a singe state Senator to cut non-resident hunting licenses by half. In 2014 we faced an unexpected attempt by this same Senator when he introduced a similar bill. Fortunately the bill was killed by the Senate Travel, Recreation, and Wildlife Committee with a vote of 4-1. When this most recent bill was introduced the members of the Wyoming Outfitters & Guides Association (WYOG[...]

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Chronic wasting disease: My perspective

Over the last few years, as the concern surrounding the impact of Chronic Wasting Disease has increased, we as outfitters and hunters are left searching for answers on how to deal with the impacts of CWD. There is no known cure for the disease which makes it a grave threat to infected herds of deer and elk.

So, what can be done, and what is being done? In 2019 I was asked to be a part of a CWD working group made up of public me[...]

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