A look at the Southern Big Horn Elk Herd

Whether you prefer to read the Blog below or ride along with us, we appreciate your interest in SNS Outfitter & Guides!

Since the mid-1990’s, Wyomings elk population has experienced tremendous growth as have elk across the entire mountain west. The biologists in charge of managing these majestic game animals have many theories as to why elk numbers have exploded across the west. Wyoming’s statewide population estimate stands at 1[...]

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Pronghorn Antelope 101

Today we are taking a look at SNS’ most popular species to hunt, pronghorn antelope. You may keep close tabs on them during the hunting season, but how much do you really know about them the rest of the year?

We may as well begin by addressing their name. Are they antelope? Are they pronghorn? Are they pronghorn antelope? Technically speaking, the Latin name for the species found here in North America is Antilocapra Americana, or [...]

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Chronic wasting disease: My perspective

Over the last few years, as the concern surrounding the impact of Chronic Wasting Disease has increased, we as outfitters and hunters are left searching for answers on how to deal with the impacts of CWD. There is no known cure for the disease which makes it a grave threat to infected herds of deer and elk.

So, what can be done, and what is being done? In 2019 I was asked to be a part of a CWD working group made up of public me[...]

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The Outdoor Dream Foundation- Making Dreams Come True

It’s always a privilege to experience what we love with those who share the same passion. Every once in awhile it’s a true honor. This past week, SNS had one such honorable adventure.                                                       

This is Emily Ferguson and her Dad, Chris. SNS was introduced to them through the Outdoor Dream Foundation, whose role is to grant outdoo[...]

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Season Prep Tip: Sighting in Your Rifle

All rifles should be sighted-in before every hunt using the ammunition you plan to use. A gun that was sighted-in prior to your last outing could have been knocked out of alignment by a single jolt. That misalignment could mean the difference between a successful hunt and a disappointing experience. Rifles should be topped with quality scopes at a minimum of 3×9 power with a 40mm objective or larger. Remember, we take longer shots out[...]

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The Perfect Hunting Boot Recommendation

The countdown has begun to our 2019 fall hunts. We are sure you have spent the last few months preparing physically, mentally, and gathering all the necessary equipment for your western hunt. This is an exciting time and here at SNS want to make sure that packing the wrong equipment won’t stand in the way of that once in a lifetime hunt.

All of those in our outfit would agree that proper footwear is the number one necessity i[...]

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Why I Chose SNS Outfitter & Guides

After spending quite a bit of time researching different outfitters throughout Wyoming, I landed on SNS Outfitter & Guides. While I was researching Wyoming Outfitters, I had a few things in mind – these made for fairly specific wants and needs. Most importantly, I wanted an outfitter that offered hunts for big game animals. This is simply because I want to continue building preference points for tro[...]

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Season Tips from Sy: Start Conditioning for Your Hunt

As we enter February there are many things to look forward to. The best thing is that we are one month closer to hunting season. I’m sure many of you have already started checking your gear and maybe you’ve even started working with your rifles. However, there is something every hunter needs to begin today to be prepared for their hunt this fall: conditioning. 

Conditioning is one of the most important parts of [...]

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How To Choose Your Outfitter

Admittedly, selecting the right hunting outfitter is not an easy process. With hundreds of thousands of outfitters around the world, there are numerous aspects to take into consideration. First, what species are you interested in hunting? Once you have that figured out, which state do you want to hunt in? Are you looking for an area where tags are easy to draw? Furthermore, are you looking for a trophy or simply want to fill your freezer?[...]

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Why We Hunt — Conservation, Food, and Memories

Written by Bill Brown

In a world where people are sensitive, protective, and judgmental, hunters are often questioned as to why they hunt. Does it not bother them to take the life of a wild animal? The truth is, it’s not that simple.

One of the most important aspects of hunting is the food value of what we hunt. Knowing exactly where our food comes from — and for those hunters who process their own meat, exactly how it’s aged and take[...]

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