Start Your Antelope Hunting Adventure Today! Book with SNS Outfitter & Guides

Don’t wait! Book your fall antelope hunt today, just give us a call 307.266.4229.

Here in central Wyoming our winter has been very mild which in turn makes for an easy winter on our wildlife, namely antelope. With easy access to winter feed, the antelope around the state are in great shape and we are anticipating a banner year for horn growth. With that said, now is your change to hunt antelope in Wyo[...]

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A Clients Story — Memories with SNS Outfitter and Guides

Brad Wilson’s most vivid SNS memory was a horseback hunt — one that was just as serene and beautiful as a photographed postcard.

It happened to be his first time out West, as well as the first time killing an elk at the Orchard. Wilson will never forget it. As the story goes, Wilson and his crew spotted a heard about an hour and a half away (on horseback). After traversing over boulders and crawling around rocks, they managed to sec[...]

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Make Your Way To Montana: The Deer Application Deadline is Quickly Approaching

Remember when we talked about dreaming big and hunting (equally as) big? Well, it’s time to start thinking about hunting season again. The Montana deer application is less than a month away! So, don’t wait any longer to book your hunt. All applications must be in by Thursday, March 15th.

Here at SNS, we offer two different Montana hunts. First, our exclusive Montana mule deer hunt  — Read More

Meet Erick Mares: SNS Guide and Avid Outdoorsman

Erick Mares looks forward to guiding in the Greys River valley every year. From the breathtaking scenery to the detachment from city life, there’s something about the outdoors that always feels like home to him.

Born and raised in Douglas, Wyoming, Erick is a long-time hunter and avid outdoorsman. He has proudly worked for SNS for almost 12 years. For him, it’s the people he meets that makes all of the difference — especially in t[...]

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Client Story: Kevin Moynahan Tells It All

Hey Sy and Ambrosia, 

This will be my 5th year hunting with SNS, and there is never a dull moment. Recently, I was hunting with my guide, Lex Dyer, looking for a freak antelope (which, we had spotted). Although we began our stalk, we were not able to get on the antelope. But, on our way back, Lex spotted a beautiful antelope, only 200 yards away. He told me, “Shoot that antelope! It’s a very nice one.” We were side hillin[...]

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How to Prepare for Hunting Season: Fitness Edition

Disclaimer: while we aren’t doctors, these are fitness tips (for hunting) that we find beneficial. Please consult your physician or certified physical trainer if you have any questions.

Traversing a mostly untouched terrain, with a heavy pack of hunting gear in tow, is certainly taxing. From now until August, though, you can prepare your body to climb through rocky mountain slopes, brace muddy hillsides, and race after agile animals. [...]

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REMINDER: Elk Application Deadline is January 31st

The elk application deadline is rapidly approaching. Why not make 2018 the year to dream big and shoot big? We can make it happen. The elk are plentiful, but the deadline is almost here and spaces are limited!

Whether you’re looking for an archery elk in the rugged and beautiful Wyoming range — or a trophy Elk on our ranch (a true western classic) — we will ensure that your hunt is everything and more.

Contact us today [...]

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2018 Spring Black Bear Openings!

We are in official countdown mode. There are only 132 days until the spring black bear opening at the Box Y Lodge on the Greys River. We can’t wait. Although it’s only the end of December, our Spring Black Bear hunts are right around the corner.

Spring Black Bear hunts are for the ultimate adventurer — for hunters anticipating a black bear trophy and for adrenaline-seekers looking [...]

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Happy Holiday Season

The holidays are upon us, and it’s truly one of our favorite times of the year. As we take a moment to reflect on 2017, there are countless things we’re grateful for. First and foremost, we had another successful hunting season. Our clients — both new and old — made lasting memories. Secondly, we enjoyed a beautiful summer of adventurous trail rides at our Jackson Hole Outfitters Camp. Lastly, we’re thankful for our awesome crew here[...]

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