Count down to your Antelope hunt

It’s almost July and its time to start fine tuning your gear for your upcoming hunt. Getting your rifle ready for your Wyoming Antelope hunt needs to be at the very top of your list. Most hunters own multiple rifles so choosing the best firearm to hunt the flat, wide open spaces of Wyoming is important.

The terrain in antelope country is generally rolling prairie grasslands and sagebrush. Antelope stand about 3 feet tall at their shou[...]

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It’s not all bad news! Central Wyoming Antelope faired well

While you may have heard the news of what a hard winter some areas of Wyoming experienced this year, you likely have not heard, how well the antelope in central Wyoming faired. Bad news always travels more quickly after all, but we wanted to reassure our clients. The worst winter conditions occurred in southern and south western Wyoming, fortunately areas we do not hunt. Our trophy areas in central Wyoming have maintained the same antelope buc[...]

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Wildlife Task Force: July 2022 Update

From the desk of SNS Outfitter, Sy Gilliland

It’s been over a year now that the Wyoming Wildlife Task Force has been meeting to discuss wildlife and licensing issues that affect all Wyoming hunters. It’s coming down to a couple very important issues that will affect your ability to hunt as a non resident in Wyoming. 

A major reason for the formation of the task force was to study and come up with solutions in how Wyoming[...]

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New Wilderness Back Country Pack-in Elk Hunting Camp

Starting in 2023 SNS will take over operations of this incredible elk camp. During the fall of 2022 our staff will be assisting Taylor Engum with camp set up and tear down, learning horse trails, and guiding elk hunters. After a full season, I am confident we will be ready to take over operations and will have developed the skill set required to run this wilderness backcountry pack in camp. 

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Wyoming Wildlife Task Force Update; June 2022

The Wyoming Wildlife Task Force [WWTF] has been busy working on wildlife and licensing issues for the last year. SNS outfitter Sy is the outfitter representative on the task force. Several subjects have been discussed and either rejected or approved and moved on to the legislature or commission or continue to take public comment. 

One topic that has drawn a lot of attention is an outfitter draw. The task force is currently [...]

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SNS buys the East Fork Elk Hunting camp

We are excited to now own the East Fork Elk Hunting Camp!

We are excited to announce that SNS Outfitter & Guides has acquired a new elk hunting opportunity. In addition to our private land elk hunt and our Greys River elk hunt conducted out of the Box Y Lodge, we will now offer a wilderness elk hunting experience in the Shoshone National Forest. 

In the past, this camp was owned and operated by Todd Jones for 12 years[...]

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Planning a Western Hunt

Interest in western hunting continues to be very high. Because of this interest, its very important do some long range planning for your future hunts. Wyoming Mule Deer and Pronghorn Antelope hunts continue to be highly sought after each year. When you start the planning process, it is key to learn about the different licensing systems each western state uses to issue non-resident hunting licenses.


The sale of[...]

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Maintaining quality with a new policy

As we enter 2022, we are all feeling the effects of inflation in our lives. These increases are noted at gas stations, grocery stores and most certainly have their impact on small businesses like SNS Outfitter & Guides.

Station Inflation at the pumps

Knowing how to deal with inflation as a small business owner is difficult to say the least. It is nearly impossible to predict the cost of items essential to run this business. W[...]

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Defining; “Spot and Stalk”

At times, western hunting styles have brought up a few questions.  Most hunters are very familiar with using blinds or shooting houses set up over travel corridors or more commonly over food plots. This type of hunting style is mostly a waiting game. When your quarry presents a good shot, the hunt is over. Out west, however, most hunts are conducted using a whole different hunting style. Its called, “Spot and Stalk”.

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